March of Dimes
One of the most credible and recognizable brands in health, March of Dimes has advanced the health of moms and babies for 85 years.
March of Dimes Analyzes Content Effectiveness to Transform Digital Approach
One of the most credible and recognizable brands in health, March of Dimes has advanced the health of moms and babies for 85 years. Health communication and education are priority for this nonprofit’s important mission.
March of Dimes recognized that digital disruption affects the way every organization works. The forward-thinking nonprofit sought to further modernize its approach to digital experience, content operations, and more. So, March of Dimes turned to Content Science to help inform their approach.
Drawing on the robust analysis and research capabilities of CS Lab, Content Science conducted a robust analysis of March of Dimes’ multisite and multichannel digital presence. The Content Science team took a deep dive into website analytics, search engine optimization, and channel analytics.
Additionally, Content Science evaluated the content effectiveness of the websites using ContentWRX. Each evaluation provided an overall ContentWRX score, a breakdown of performance in six dimensions, comments from content users, and unique analytics such as content microengagements.
By giving an in-depth understanding of the current state of their content, this engagement benefitted March of Dimes in several ways:
- Aligned stakeholders around a common understanding of the content situation.
- Deep insight into user perceptions of content effectiveness faster and cheaper than extensive user testing.
- Accelerated stakeholder alignment around digital strategy.
- Provided a wealth of insight to use in ongoing content development.
- Identified opportunities with priority health populations to factor into digital strategy.
- Established clear benchmarks, such as the ContentWRX score, for comparison.