March of Dimes
A renowned brand with a rich history, March of Dimes has advanced the health of moms and babies for 85 years.
It Starts with Strategy for It Starts with Mom
A renowned brand with a rich history, March of Dimes has advanced the health of moms and babies for 85 years. Health communication and education are priority for this nonprofit’s important mission.
March of Dimes has a strong track record with educating moms-to-be on a range of important topics. But the nonprofit recognized that to truly fulfill its mission, the health education shouldn’t stop there. March of Dimes recognized Mother’s Day as a great opportunity to go beyond past health education efforts. So, the health nonprofit reached out to Content Science.
For the previous 2 years, March of Dimes had offered a campaign called “It Starts with Mom” with promising results. Content Science used its CS Lab and CS Brain capabilities to review those results and conduct additional content analysis (including SEO) and market research. In collaboration with the March of Dimes team, Content Science synthesized the nonprofit’s priorities, the research, and trends to develop a content strategy and a detailed plan.
Once the plan was in place, Content Science leveraged CS Forge, our studio, to develop a creative brief and a content sample to reflect messaging, tone, and visual style. March of Dimes confirmed alignment with the creative direction, and Content Science continued to develop diverse content assets to support the campaign.
Compared to other content March of Dimes already offered, the content developed by Content Science resulted in better search visibility, more organic traffic, and higher engagement. In other words, the content reached and engaged more people. Additionally, the It Starts with Mom content continues to earn awards such as silver at the Davey awards.

March of Dimes
March of Dimes Analyzes Content Effectiveness to Transform Digital Approach
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